The purpose of the Florida Association of Student Educational Tours (FASET) is to promote effective and efficient service to Florida’s primary and secondary students, so their school field trips are focused to enhance each educator’s curricular objectives, such as: historical, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), social (i.e. end of year theme park trips) and celebratory (i.e. Grad Bash) in nature. FASET will seek to promote policy which contributes to a healthy environment by fostering student’s learning inside and outside of the classroom, maximizing their educational experiences to compete on a national and global stage.
Vision Statement
The vision of the Florida Association of Student Educational Tours (FASET) is to seek positive public policy which supports Florida’s primary and secondary education and learning through educational tours. This public policy would enable educators to plan effective educational tours for their students in a streamlined fashion while not depleting District funds or resources as these tours are funded by private capital and investments.